The philanthropic mission of Tops is to address the fundamental needs of the community. By partnering with various non-profit organizations, we can help eradicate hunger and enhance the health and well-being of families and children.
Donations are provided primarily to not-for-profit registered 501(C)3 organizations. In order to maximize the benefit of our donations to the communities we serve, we are unable to provide donations to individuals or private fundraisers.
Requests of $50 or less should be made to the Store Manager of your local TOPS Markets.
Larger requests should be sent on your organization's letterhead to:
TOPS Markets®
Or email to:
Requests should include:
Unfortunately due to the volume of requests, we are not able to respond to or fund every request and require 4-6 weeks advance notice of an event. If we are able to fulfill your request, you will be notified by phone or mail. Thank you for your understanding.
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